Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Spam Watercress

Spam - 1 can
Watercress - 1 bunch
onions - 1 whole
tomato sauce - 1 8oz can

Dice up the spam into 1/2"x1/2" chunks - use the whole can
Cut up the watercress about 2" long pieces
Side cut the onions into 1/4" wide strips
Put the spam & onions into a stew pot and stir till spam is slightly browned
Add tomato sauce and a little water (about 1/4 can) a few squirts of catsup and stir
Add Watercress, stir and cover

Diner is pau and ready to serve 2-3 normal people, served in a bowl.

Oh, and always serve over rice and tastes juss as good on a plate like in a bowl.

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