Sunday, December 21, 2014

Deep Fried Zucchini

Get 2 kine - Here is #1
• 4 medium zucchini, about 2 pounds
• 3 eggs
• Salt
• Black pepper
• 1 cup all-purpose flour
• 3 cups bread fresh crumbs,
• Neutral oil, such as canola, for deep-frying
• ¼ cup chopped fresh parsley leaves for garnish
• 2 lemons, quartered, for serving (optional)

1. Trim stem ends from zucchini and cut either crosswise into slices about 1/2-inch thick or into French-fry-like sticks. Heat the oven to 200. Beat eggs with salt and pepper in a shallow bowl or pie plate. Set up an assembly line of a plate of flour, the plate of eggs and a plate of bread crumbs. Have a baking sheet ready, and several rectangles of wax or parchment paper.
2. Coat a zucchini piece in the flour, dip in the egg and coat in the bread crumbs. You want a thin, even layer of each coating; shake off any excess. Put coated zucchini on baking sheet in a single layer, top with wax or parchment paper and repeat with remaining slices. Chill for at least 10 minutes or up to 3 hours.
3. Put a large heavy skillet or a deep broad saucepan over medium heat and pour in enough oil to come up the sides at least 1/2 inch. While the oil heats, line a plate with paper towels. The oil is ready when a pinch of flour sizzles immediately.
4. Put a few zucchini pieces in the oil without crowding. When the bottoms brown, after 2 to 3 minutes, turn and cook the other side for 2 to 3 minutes, adjusting heat to keep oil sputtering without smoking or burning zucchini. As each piece is done, put it on the paper towels to drain, turning to blot it on both sides if needed. Transfer to an ovenproof platter and keep warm in oven while you finish cooking. Add and heat up oil as necessary.
5. (Optional) Garnish with parsley and serve with lemon wedges.
6. I like to serve using Ranch Dressing dip instead of using #5 lemon wedges.

Here is #2
• 1 any kine size zucchini,
• Philadelphia cream cheese
• 3 eggs
• 1 cup all-purpose flour
• 3 cups bread fresh crumbs or panco
• Neutral oil, such as canola, for deep-frying
• either ranch dressing or a dressing of your choice for dipping

Cut zucchini in thin slices
lay criss-cross on a cutting board then add slice of cream cheese then fold over the remaining zucchini slices over the cheese, stick with a tooth pick then dip into the eggs, then dip into the flour, then dip into the bread crumbs or Panco, then into the deep fryer. Fry up for about 2 min until golden brown. Dip and eat.

At this point, you can substitute just about anything to make any flavor you choose. You still use the same basic formula, only add the bacon, shrimp or whatever stuffings you like. Here are a couple ideas.

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