Friday, February 28, 2014

Cajun Oyster Shrimp

It's actually Garlic Shrimp but with Oyster sauce, It's kinda an oyster shrimp. And besides it sounds more tastyer

Oyster sauce
Alternative flavor - Add Cajun Spice, here's the brand we use

1. Pre-heat the frying pan on High (you're going to fast cook the shrimp)
2. Add butter
3. Add crushed garlic
4. Add a dash of Oyster sauce or Shiriachi (red rooster) sauce - I wouldn't add them both
5. Add the shrimp & mushrooms and stir until cooked. You could cook up the mushrooms separate if you like, but might have to add more butter.
6. Serve over 2 scoops of rice. with mixed vegetables if you don't want the mushrooms.

Eat with Rice and pour the extra butter sauce over the rice and enjoy. Tastes good with Mac salad or green salad.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hawaiian Sriracha Garlic Shrimp

2 lbs 16-20 U Shrimps, head off, shell on and butterflied (the bigger the shrimps, the better!)
Butter (any kine)
Minced garlic to taste
Sriracha Chili Sauce
Worcestershire sauce (optional) . . . personally, I no use this
Optional - baste flower and then cook up.

1. In pan #1 - Put butter & garlic in pan, put shrimp in butter.
2. In pan #2 - Put Olive oil in pan and heat, add onions & mushrooms.
3. In pan #2 now add sriracha over the mushrooms and stir up.
3. Mix together and your good to go.

2. Over medium heat, melt 1/2 stick butter with 1 tablespoon Olive Oil. Add a heaping spoonful of garlic and begin to saute' 20-30 seconds. Add shrimp in a single layer and allow to fry 1-1/12 min. depending on the size of shrimp

3. Flip shrimp over and cook for another 30 seconds before adding 1/4 cup Chicken Stock, 1/8 tsp salt, 3-5 dashes of Worcestershire sauce, black pepper, squirt of lemon juice and 2 squirts of sriracha sauce. Toss together another 30 seconds and pull off the heat immediately. Repeat process with remaining shrimp until all is cooked.

4. Serve over rice with extra lemon on the side for the perfect Hawaiian shrimp truck experience. Must be eaten with hands, sucking the delicious garlic butter off before peeling and shoving rapidly into your waiting mouth.

1. I had a small pan at my sister’s house so I did this recipe in 3-4 batches. But you can easily do it in 2 if you have a bigger skillet. This is all to your taste, if you don’t like spicy, go easy on the pepper sauce and vice verse. I was cooking to my family’s taste.
2. Don’t over cook the garlic! It shouldn’t be crispy by any means. It should be soft, sticky and a bit nutty.
3. It occurred to me after the fact, but some sliced scallion would be dead nice with all this shrimpy butter goodness.
4. If you aren’t a rice eater, get some bread and toast it up nice and crispy to dip into the gorgeous butter broth.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Spicy Mochiko chicken by Ka'ui

Ka'ui's Spicy Mochiko Chicken:

- Boneless, skinless chicken thighs
- Dash of shoyu - (we only use Aloha brand Shoyu)
- Dash of onion powder
- Dash of garlic powder
- Pepper to taste
- Mochiko flour (we use Koda Farms brand)
- Oil to fry

1. Cut chicken into bite size pieces
2. Add dash of shoyu, onion powder, garlic powder, and pepper.
3. Add mochiko flour (enough to evenly coat all chicken) and mix with hands.
4. Let chicken sit in refrigerator for approx. 20 minutes to marinate.
5. After letting chicken sit, heat about 2" of oil and fry chicken until brown.

Honey-Garlic Sauce:
- Fresh minced garlic (about 5 big cloves)
- Butter
- Shoyu (lots of it)
- Mirin *1/4 cup mirin to 1 cup of shoyu*
(MIRIN SUBSTITUTE: Dissolve 1/4 cup sugar in 1/2 cup white wine)
- Sesame Oil (1 teaspoon)
- Honey *2 tablespoons to every 1 cup shoyu*
- Sugar *1 cup sugar to every 1 cup shoyu*
- Spicy chili pepper flakes (3 tablespoons)

1. In a pot, brown garlic in butter.
2. Add shoyu, mirin, sugar, honey, sesame oil, and chili pepper flakes.
3. Bring to a boil.
4. Add more sugar, honey, & chili pepper flakes if needed, depending on how sweet & spicy you want it.

Add fried chicken into pot with sauce and let sit for 3 minutes.
Remove from pot and serve.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fried Egg Sandwich

Butter a frying pan (sometimes I use a cover)
Take 2 large onion rings and place in pan
Add 2 eggs inside onion rings (1 in each)
Add garlic pepper to taste
Add cheese if you like - I prefer provolone
Toast & butter two pieces of wheat bread
Egg will be round and will stay inside of onion ring
Add lettuce if you like

As a side dish on top of the egg and under the onions, add 2 slice spam